> > > What We Did from the Battle of Covid-19

What We Did from the Battle of Covid-19

In 2020, the disruptive impact of Covid-19 come a result of the global economic stagnation. The pandemic has indicated that some firms are likely to be kicked out of the market; others are compelled to reassess their business strategy. This year is filled with uncertainty and change, and we must take action to consolidate our business model.


Stabilization and Optimization

Optimize all administration process 

First of all, we analyze and optimize our Schedule Performance Index (SPI). Moreover, to cut down tangible and intangible costs, we use e-invoices and e-statements of accounts instead of using paper versions. 


Summarize information 

Integrate PSI/AR data of different departments into our PMIS. 


Implement big data analytics

Tracking all purchasing orders, digging deeper into related data, and re-arrange our global policy.  


■ Depose idle assets and excess materials, adjust the sourcing strategy

Increase the turnover rate of idle assets and inactive materials, and enhance Warehouse Ground Area Utilization Rate (WAUR).


Risk Diversification    

    The global businesses are undergoing a significant structural change because of the China-US trade war and COVID-19. On the one hand, some firms are forced to relocate their production lines and supply chains to ASEAN; on the other hand, others choose to move their production lines back to their own countries. Hence, Prowonderful is to take some countermeasures as below, 


■ Strengthen strategic cooperation

Look for other horizontal and vertical cooperation relationships with customers. 


■ Increase the market share of domestic market needs and medical industry

Increase the diversity of our products.


■ Increase investments on ASEAN

Further, build up branches for offering sophisticated supply chains in ASEAN.


Overall, the rapid and flexible response of sudden change is our competitive advantage. We further boost our competitive edge during the period of hardship, and we believe that Prowonderfull will have a leap of growth. 

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